The Marchigiano
Is our IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) oil obtained exclusively from the fruit of the olive tree of native cultivars (Raggia, Mignola, Rosciola Colli Esini, Piantone di Mogliano, Coroncina, Carboncella, Ascolana Tenera, Orbetana, Piantone di Falerone).
The Marchigiano Olive Oil won the award Best Olive Oil Marche IGP 2021.

The MARCHIGIANO Marche IGP Organic is our IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) oil obtained exclusively from the fruit of the olive tree of native cultivars (Raggia, Mignola, Rosciola Colli Esini, Piantone di Mogliano, Coroncina, Carboncella, Ascolana Tenera, Orbetana, Piantone di Falerone ), absolutely milled within 3 hours of harvesting. The Marchigiano Marche IGP has olfactory and gustatory characteristics and values (acidity, peroxides, polyphenols, etc …) indicated by a rigorous disciplinary, it is a very aromatic oil with balanced taste sensations.
Marche IGP extra virgin olive oil is characterized by a maximum total acidity level of 0.4 g per 100 g of oil, the lowest acidity level and the highest polyphenol content of all the registered Italian denominations.
The organic MARCHIGIANO Marche IGP is a medium fruity, medium bitter and spicy, very balanced. The fruity is characterized by fresh herbaceous notes accompanied by a typical hint of grass sometimes accompanied by hints of almond and artichoke
Absolutely green in color and immediately filtered by milling through natural cartons.
The olives for the production of Il Marchigiano Marche IGP (as for all our organic extra virgin olive oils) are defoliated and washed before milling.
Thanks to the peculiar hints of grass, almond and artichoke, given by the local varieties, Marche IGP extra virgin olive oil is suitable for traditional local recipes and is absolutely fantastic as a raw condiment.
Available packs
How to conserve
It should be kept in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 18/20 degrees. Once the package has been opened (can or bag in box) it is advisable to transfer the oil into smaller containers so that it is as little as possible in contact with oxygen. It must be protected from light (do not use transparent bottles), from air and heat. The oil absorbs odors so it is better not to use oil cruets and always close the bottle or can. It is important to know that the deadline (18 months from bottling) is only indicative. After this date, the oil does not become harmful and therefore can be used without any risk to health. However, it loses the intensity and fragrance of aromas and flavors.
Prizes and Awards

AIRO I Ristoranti dell’Olio

AIRO I Ristoranti dell’Olio
Lombardy, Italy
Olio eccezionale
Buonissimo a crudo
Bolzano, Italy
Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Our oil mill
In San Marcello, in the center of the olive grove, the company oil mill was built, a structure of almost 300 square meters. In addition to the oil mill (the room where the oil is extracted)…