Monovarietal Piantone di Mogliano
The “Piantone di Mogliano” is a variety of the Marche region mainly spread in the Municipality of Mogliano and in the province of Macerata

The “Piantone di Mogliano” is a variety of the Marche region mainly spread in the Municipality of Mogliano and in the province of Macerata, up to the internal areas, at altitudes of over 600 meters. It is a plant with limited foliage that is characterized by good resistance to cold and drought. It has a good oil yield and a good and constant productivity. It is one of the varieties included by the Region among the cultivar at risk of genetic erosion.
The “Piantone di Mogliano” produces an oil with a medium / light fruity, almost sweet, very fluid on the palate, with evident herbaceous notes, sensations of almond and artichoke, hints of bitter and spicy, more sensitive in case of early harvest. It is a delicate oil with a good oleic acid content and a high ratio of unsaturated / saturated fats. It was already known and appreciated at the time of the Roman Empire considering that the Eternal City was mainly supplied with "de la Marchia" oil.
It is a golden yellow oil, of medium fluidity. The name "Piantone" would suggest a large tree. It is actually a low-vigor plant with high resistance to cold and drought. Our company has planted almost 400 “Piantone di Mogliano” plants in a new olive grove in Montecarotto. Due to the particular shape, this olive is also called "Limoncella".
The oil obtained is suitable for use raw and as an enhancer for delicate dishes such as fish, white meats and soups. To enjoy its expressiveness, just a slice of hot bread with a pinch of salt. “Piantone di Mogliano” olives have a small core and have a consistent pulp. They are therefore also suitable for use as table olives. They are put in salt, but avoiding them to become wrinkled. At the right point of maturation, they are put in oil to preserve their fragrance, the delicate bitter taste and the pleasant fruity notes.
How to conserve
The rule applies to any type of cultivar: it must be stored in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 18/20 degrees. Once the package has been opened (can or bag in box) it is advisable to transfer the oil into smaller containers so that it is as little as possible in contact with oxygen. It must be protected from light (do not use transparent bottles), from air and heat. The oil absorbs odors so it is better not to use oil cruets and always close the bottle or can. It is important to know that the deadline (18 months from bottling) is only indicative. After this date, the oil does not become harmful and therefore can be used without any risk to health. However, it loses the intensity and fragrance of aromas and flavors.

Our oil mill
In San Marcello, in the center of the olive grove, the company oil mill was built, a structure of almost 300 square meters. In addition to the oil mill (the room where the oil is extracted)…